Class Times
PreK / K : At home option only
1st -5th Grade: Wednesday, 5:30-6:30 pm |
Registration Fees
Fees for 2019 -20:
1st, 3rd/4th, and 5th - $25 2nd Grade (First Communion) - $50 Confirmation (6 Grade) - $50 *** There is a maximum of $75 per family *** Fees are used to provide program instruction materials, classroom supplies, materials for special activities and Catechist formation. The fees are kept as reasonable as possible. However, no child will be turned away from Religious Education due to lack of the ability to pay the fees. Special fees are assessed for Sacramental Preparation in grades 2 and Confirmation candidates. Please contact the parish priest or DRE if this is a hardship as the fees can be waived or reduced. |
Parent's Role
The Document on Education from the Second Vatican Council states, “Parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children. Their role as educators is so decisive that scarcely anything can compensate...”. The Religious Education program is in place to assist parents in this task.
Weather Closings
If we need to cancel classes due to inclement weather, the cancellation will be posted on the St. Augustine Facebook and webpage.
Discipline Policy
Students are expected to:
Special Needs
Mission Statement
The St. Augustine Religious Education office follows NCPD (National Catholic Partnership on Disability) guidelines. Special needs including physical disabilities, allergies, language and learning barriers, should be discussed with the DRE and the classroom catechists. We will make every effort to assist in addressing special needs in the best way possible.
The St. Augustine Religious Education program supplements and reinforces what is learned at home by providing formal catechesis focused on the basic tenets of the
Catholic Faith, as defined by the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Our goal is to foster strong Catholic identity, lived discipleship and full participation in the life of the Church. Parents lay the foundation for this work by the examples t hey set in everyday life, through their own continued catechesis, and through active participation in the faith development of their children. |