1. Be careful of things that block contact with Jesus, Mother Teresa warns. What are the things that block you? Make a list of the interior things (worries, life’s past hurts, past mistakes, or even forgiven sins) and the exterior things (grocery lists, errands, appointments, daily responsibilities — phone conversations!) that interfere with daily one-to-one contact with the One who loves and longs for you eternally. 2. Are you practicing the daily examen (found in endnote n. 73 on pages 187-189 of 33
Days to Morning Glory)? Are you dwelling on daily blessings instead of daily annoyances, daily opportunities instead of daily difficulties? What do you perceive as interferences with the regular practice of the daily examen in your life? How can you incorporate it into your bedtime regimen?
1. Saint Thomas Aquinas says all creation is in a circular motion from God and back to God. Have you experienced this movement in miniature in your prayer and spiritual life? What is usually the precursor of your feeling distant from God and then returning to him? What do you ask of Mary to help you become closer to God for longer periods or more frequently? (see CCC, nn. 2742-2745) 2. Love and trust are always partners. Learning to love the Immaculata takes a great deal
of trust, which involves dependence on her intercession, letting ourselves be led by her, accepting her direction, speaking our prayers to her directly from our hearts. What experiences with trust, becoming dependent on someone and taking direction from him or her, have you had in the past? Do you look forward to these experiences of dependence on Mary? 1. Part of Marian consecration involves entrusting ourselves totally to Mary so she can bring us to Jesus. And she does so in union with her spouse, the Holy Spirit, in the best way possible. For her to bring us to Jesus, though, we need to let go of always trying to do everything ourselves and from thinking that everything depends on us. Take your best guess at the following questions: What is the first thing I need to become detached from? Will it be difficult to become detached from it? Will it take time?
2.Have you heard the phrase to "offer up" something, either for another person or some special intention? What was your internal response? Did you ask for the grace you need to do this? How will Marian consecration help with this aspect of your spiritual efforts? This preparation for consecration is similar to Mary's heart pondering. There are no additional hours you need to set aside for pondering, because pondering can be done throughout the day. The readings simply fill and prepare our heart because of your prayerful reading of them. What time of day will you set aside for this reading?
What goals do you have for this retreat that you would like to share with the group? |
33 Days to Morning Glory
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